It was bad timing. I know I should be a good sport. That's what my Dad always said when he made fun of me, that he was just funning. And it was all in fun or I think it was. I mean it was a good joke. Everybody laughed and I laughed too before it hit me that it was a rape joke. On the other hand, it was just a teeny, weeny rape joke. Not bad really. Not insulting or anything. It even took me a minute to realize what was happening but then with this guy — he's a really nice guy by the way. He tells jokes all the time and most of them are funny. Anyway with this guy I often get a funny feeling, a feeling that he's besting me somehow in some strange competition and I don't know the rules. I only learn the rules after I've been bested, after he's won. Won what? I never know. That's why it's so weird. I can't put my finger on it. [Read More...]